About Us

We are an experienced and professional team of solution engineers, known for our track record of quality and integrity.

One Earth Energy’s Mission is to:

“Accelerate the world’s transition to renewable energy.”

We achieve this with a relentless focus on two things:

Providing AI-enabled smart energy solutions designed to make the most of the renewable energy already available.
Enabling the rapid adoption of renewable energy systems by commercial customers who want to reduce their carbon footprint but lack the available capital to do so.

Our values are:


Creatively solving the world’s energy problems


Our people - and our products - do what we say we’ll do


We have one earth and must use its resources sustainably


We give more than we take, and plant more than we harvest

Who We Are

We are an experienced and professional team of solution engineers, known for our track record of quality and integrity.  Our solar energy installations come with a 3-year installation warranty, a 20-year inverter guarantee, and 25-year module performance protection, along with technical support available seven days a week.

One Earth was founded by Eric Sandor, with 30 years of experience of enabling change in the health and life sciences sectors through technology, and with his love of the world as motivation, and his vision for the future of our one earth:

Our Vision

“I see a world of waterfalls and boulders.  Of platinum alpine peaks, lush dark forests, and verdant wetlands.  Of oceans, whales and icebergs.  

I see a world with oases in deserts, with water in wells, and trees in the ground.  With companies and enterprises that give as much as they take, and produce more than they waste.

I see a world where children have food, healthcare, and education.  Where every vulnerable person has a carer.  Where love is the motivation and expression of the human race.

I see a people whose money is a means and not an end.  Whose daily choices have changed and saved the earth.  Whose lives are a love story of freedom and preference.  A people who love people more than things.

I see because I love.  
I love so I act.  
I act so we will all see.  
I see because you do too.”

For more information Contact Us